you are the sweetest thing i’ve found since whenever

August 7th, 2008

I am in a very strange mood. I feel a heavy burden on my shoulders and its almost depressing, but then I feel butterflies in my stomach every hour or so.

I don’t know ? I have my wisdom teeth extraction tomorrow! eh, I am ready to get the bottom right tooth taken out because it has been bothering me a lot. Let’s see how well Steven waits on me hand and foot!

I reallly want to get away. I want me and Steven to go on a world tour. I want us to be nomads and get ourselves into trouble and meet new people and see old things.

It is pretty strange how things about yourself start to change as you get older. I used to take at least one shower a day. Most times I would take one when I woke up and then sometime when I got home. I made sure I got up early enough to be able to pick out my outfit, take my shower, do my hair, do my make up and eat breakfast. I had to wear clothes that positively reflected my body (which meant tight and short) and bat my eyelashes at every guy that walked by. I was in track and running was just a part of my day. I took medicine every chance I got.

Ok, now I take showers when I have to (when I smell really bad) and I only do my hair when I have to go to a party or fancy dinner. Same with make up. The clothes I have now are plain and not tight. Now I run to relieve myself of stress. I do not take medicine now. I vie for more natural remedies.

I was a barbie and now I am a hippie.