It’s the most wonderful time of the year

November 10th, 2008

I was able to enjoy the weather this morning and it was wonderful. Since it is a Monday morning, and not a holiday, I should be at work. I am not at work because I have a test today and I take off on most test days to study. I woke up, with a big struggle, and decided I needed coffee to keep me up and alert. As I opened the door, I felt the chill against my body and it caused a rush of excitement from my stomach to my face and back down. I turned around and saw the dark sky and I couldn’t help but smile. I love when the day reflects my moods because it feels as if you are not alone and someone or something understands you.

I got my coffee, wasn’t the tastiest thing in the world since I am not ‘into’ coffee anymore, and I am not sure it woke me up.

I am so ready for this semester to be over. I wasn’t prepared for senior year to be such a beating. HOPEFULLY, if all goes well, I will be graduating in May and FINALLY I can have hobbies again.

I want to get back to reading for pleasure and going places without thinking about my homework first.

A little under two months and Steven and I are going to Las Vegas for New Years. How freaking exciting is that? To be honest, I wasn’t excited until now…and you know why? THE WEATHER!! It is as if I have mexican jumping beans inside my head. I feel like I am about to go on a date with a boy I have had a crush on for years. I am 14 again!

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