Live Cultures

June 19th, 2010

I am one year older, one year away from the perfect age, one year…wiser?
I am 26 as of 15 days ago and I am feeling older than that.
I am not recovering from minor colds as fast as I used to.
I am getting sleepy at 10 p.m.
I like to stay at home and pet my dog.

All these are fine, I can deal.

The one thing I am not dealing with so well is my skin. My skin has gotten very dull and I think it is because of 3 things I do not do:
1) I do not take care of my skin
2) I do not sleep enough
3) I do not know how to relax

Since I am unemployed, I can make myself do Number 2
Number 3 will take a bit of time since ‘stress’ is my numero uno talent

That leaves me with Number 1

I told myself that I am going to take charge of my lifeless skin and this morning I went shopping!!!

I have facial cleansing pads (aveeno) which are great but I need to make sure I use them every night (which I don’t). Unclogging your pores, especially before bedtime, is a big must! I will try my hardest to do this every night even though I would rather not add time consuming activities to my already boring day.

ok back to the shopping
I bought


This is what I will do:
Every morning I will lather my face with some yogurt and then rinse off with cold water after a few minutes.

Since I have the yogurt, I will also make a yogurt and lemon juice mixture and apply on my hands. I read that this duo helps make the hands feel baby-soft
ok, so I got a huge tub of yogurt so why not add something else into the mix?
I am going to mix the all natural honey, that my Uncle Bruce got us to help out with our allergies, into some yogurt and have it for breakfast. TA-DA! I will help regulate my digestive tract and fight allergies in one serving! AMAZING

Now on to the tomatoes. If I apply tomato pulp to my skin, I am supposed to have AMAZING, GLOWING skin. I was thinking of trying to tomatoes if the yogurt didn’t work but then I remembered that the tomatoes will probably go bad if I don’t use them for a while and I don’t want to waste money!!

So Day 1 of Yogurt Ritual was today, June 19th (I hope that is the right date bc my unemployed lazy butt doesn’t want to look at her calendar and confirm)



<3 Meliha